Announcing the new Hawaiian Storm
Dead Man Lying
The second novel-length Hawaiian Storm mystery is coming your way.
She knows when you’re lying …FBI Special Agent Vanessa Storm is back on Maui to catch a killer.
With lush rain forests, black sand beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle, Maui offers the perfect place for once-famous country singer Steven Sangster to relaunch his career … until he ends up dead.
As the killer, or killers, strike again and again, FBI Special Agent Vanessa Storm must untangle the lies spun by the singer’s associates, friends, family — and the singer himself before the music dies.
First Place winner of the East Texas Writers Guild First Chapter Award — Mystery.
About five years ago, bestselling mystery author Toby Neal invited me to join in a new Amazon initiative called Kindle Worlds. The idea was to write novellas based on characters in her Lei Crime series.
I was thrilled at the invitation, and over about three years, wrote four Lei Crime books.
Unfortunately, Amazon cancelled the program about two years ago. That’s the Zon for you.
I then rewrote the first two Kindle World stories, Torn Roots and Palm Trees and Snowflakes, as original Hawaiian Storm mysteries.
I’m happy to say that the third, and for now last, Hawaiian Storm will hit (see what I did there?) this fall. Dead Man Lying will be a full novel-length, closed-door mystery Vanessa Stormfeaturing your favourite FBI Special Agent who always knows when you’re lying, I also bring back your favourite scoundrel, Perry the computer hacker. Just for fun.
If you want to read an advance review copy or be a beta-reader, email me.
Read a sample chapter.