1. My father’s story is similar. He was an 89 year old USMC Korean war vet. He had a number of falls last year. His fourth fall had him in a different rehab facility from the previous two stays. The facility gave him COVID and dragged their feet getting him to a hospital to he couldn’t get the antibodies. He tested positive on November 24th and passed away on December 6th. He was vaccinated but had not had his booster as they dragged their feet on that as well. When I asked the facility director if all their employees were vaccinated, her response was our state required all healthcare workers to be vaccinated. Not what I asked. She wouldn’t answer my question. Hospitals here would not let anyone in.

    I feel your pain and you have my deepest sympathy.


  2. My heart goes out to you. My husband and I are the senior citizens that our only child is trying to protect. The scariest thing, however, is health care related outings.

    May your voice reach those who have yet to believe.

    I’ll be at the front of the line for my second booster as soon as it’s available.


  3. I am so truly sorry.
    I know nothing eases the pain but can I say that with time, I now look back and remember the laughter and the joy.
    I cannot understand why the vaccines have frightened people when the result of not having it is so clear to see.
    The news the other day showed one of our hospital wards and the doctor just saying at each bed, with unvaccinated patients. He said individuals were saying, I’ll have the jab now, too late was his reply.
    I hope you find some peace of mind, and remember, your dad knew you loved him.


  4. Stories like yours must be shared, Scott, if only to remind the unvaccinated that behind the ever rising numbers is a PERSON who was known and loved. My deepest condolences.


  5. My heart felt condolences on the loss of your father. I am 72 years old and dread getting the virus. I was able to get the third vaccination. I’m careful to wear my triple ply mask especially now with variants that are everywhere. A simple vaccination is all that is required, it may not be a cure right now but, it can lessen the symptoms of the virus if one gets infected. I don’t understand why they do not want to be vaccinated if not for themselves at least for members of their families and friends. I understand your grief and send you blessings of continued good health during these uncertain times. May your father rest in peace. Take care and may our Lord bless you.


  6. My deepest sympathy for your loss. I am 83 and the sole caretaker for my Korean War Marine Corps veteran husband who is fading away with Alzheimer’s. I cannot let him go anywhere but medical visits and those fill me with trepidation. People don’t realize that they are choosing for not just for themselves but for everyone they come into contact with.
    Again, my condolences and wishes for the happy memories to take precedence



    1. I am very sorry to hear your story. I know where you’re coming from. My father, thankfully, did not suffer from Alzheimer’s, but I know others who do. It’s so disheartening. Please, stay strong and hopeful. I know you’re doing everything you can.


  7. Thanks. It’s never easy no matter which side you are on. At least the memories are still bright and fresh, not shop-worn. Bless you and yours. Judy


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