
The magic returns

A Sunday sample from the new Hawaiian Storm mystery Echoes The first time that the Kahuna was able to sneak up on Vanessa was the first time she met him, when she was 16 and he was 19. He wasn’t able to do it again for sixteen years, until a bright morning in Honolulu, when […]

Initiation Rites cover reveal

A new edition of The Bones of the Earth is coming soon—and of course, that means a new edition of Part One, Initiation Rites, as well. A new edition demands a new cover. Today, I’m proud to reveal the new cover designed by author and designer and thoroughly nice person Samreen Ahsan. Here it is: […]

Witch wearing a hat reading magical, glowing book

To celebrate the spooky season, I’ve put The Bones of the Earth on sale. If you haven’t read it, here’s your last chance to get this edition. A Month of Halloween Books! Whether you love mysteries, horror, fantasy or other genres, there’s something for everyone! Some Free, some 99c, some in Kindle Unlimited…Check back often […]

A Storm is coming to Hawaii

Announcing the new Hawaiian Storm Dead Man Lying The second novel-length Hawaiian Storm mystery is coming your way. She knows when you’re lying …FBI Special Agent Vanessa Storm is back on Maui to catch a killer. With lush rain forests, black sand beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle, Maui offers the perfect place for once-famous country […]

Ancient history is bloody

  Fantasy lovers, despair not. I’m making good progress with the sequel to my first-published novel, The Bones of the Earth. As regular readers will know, it’s titled The Triumph of the Sky. It continues the story of Javor, the young Sklavenic man who was pulled into a strange war he could not have imagined. […]

Walking Out of War cover

  Today, June 22, is the anniversary of the launch of Operation Barbarossa in 1941, and of Operation Bagration in 1944.  The first was Hitler’s Germany’s invasion of the USSR, the largest land invasion in history. Three years later, Stalin’s Soviet Union answered that with Operation Bagration, a massive assault on the German Army Group […]

A well deserved review: A Silent Prayer

Independent review of the book By Samreen Ahsan A Silent Prayer is a book that deserves all the attention, including the many awards it has received. In just over a year since its publication, A Silent Prayer won first prizes at book fairs in Los Angeles, Hollywood and Paris, first prize in the Readers’ Favorite […]

Run and Hide by Alan McDermott

An independent book review Alan McDermott knows how to push all the right buttons for the action-thriller reader. The author of the fantastically successful Tom Gray series has crossed the Atlantic for his new series focused on the new character of Eva Driscoll: brilliant, beautiful and highly effective special operative for the CIA who’s been […]