
Day of Labour past

What a summer. And now, it’s over. It’s almost like it never happened. What with forest fires around the world, smoky skies, floods, oppressive heat and this hernia, I didn’t get to do all the outdoor stuff I like to do. I guess I didn’t tell you all this before, but I suffered a hernia […]

The Children of the Seventh Son cover

Enter the AXP Fantasy Fiction Giveaway to win 19 imagination-expanding novels by great independent authors. Enter the eBook & Paperback Sweepstakes! (2) Winners of eBook "Gift Baskets" of ALL ebooks Other Winners of individual ebooks or paperbacks (randomly selected) Enter before midnight August 21 for your chance to win e-books and paperbacks! You could win: […]

Enjoy an author's reading during isolation

The covid-19 pandemic is changing everything. Staying indoors, staying two metres from other people, cancelling events … on one hand, I don’t really mind more opportunity to sit in front of my computer. On the other hand, I am missing some friends and colleagues. And I understand how boring it can be to hear only […]