
The Bones of the Earth cover 2023

Just in time for the Winter Solstice: a new edition of The Bones of the Earth Launches 22:27 21 December 2023 Finally! A new, corrected edition of my first-published novel, The Bones of the Earth, is now live as an e-book. Twelve years after its first publication, the second edition has corrected the errors and […]

Initiation Rites cover reveal

A new edition of The Bones of the Earth is coming soon—and of course, that means a new edition of Part One, Initiation Rites, as well. A new edition demands a new cover. Today, I’m proud to reveal the new cover designed by author and designer and thoroughly nice person Samreen Ahsan. Here it is: […]

Thinking of a new way to write

You know I have a lot more ideas for stories than I’ll ever have time to write. So I’ve been thinking, during idle times like going to the grocery store or walking the dog: maybe I need a new way to write long fiction. One that acknowledges that we’re distracted all the time, that our […]

The Children of the Seventh Son cover

Enter the AXP Fantasy Fiction Giveaway to win 19 imagination-expanding novels by great independent authors. Enter the eBook & Paperback Sweepstakes! (2) Winners of eBook "Gift Baskets" of ALL ebooks Other Winners of individual ebooks or paperbacks (randomly selected) Enter before midnight August 21 for your chance to win e-books and paperbacks! You could win: […]

Re-launch tour: Sunset Rising

This week, I’m participating in the blog tour for the trilogy by fellow Canadian fantasy writer, S.M. McEachern. I read this book a number of years ago, and liked it. And now, S.M. is promoting the whole trilogy with a blog tour. First, enjoy this excerpt from Book One in her series, which presents a […]

It's been a productive pandemic—I mean, summer

Without belittling the importance of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can say that I’ve had a productive few months. Since March, I have: finished the second Dark Age novel, The Children of the Seventh Son rewritten the second Hawaiian Storm full-length novel, Dead Man Lying outlined a completely new novel, a near-future dystopian thriller. What you […]

Do you love geography?

One of the best things about being a fiction writer is the ability to set stories literally anywhere on earth, in space, on other worlds and in world that never existed outside of your own imagination. For me, that means I can choose a setting at geographically interesting places. I’ve always loved maps. I must […]

Why Hallowe'en? Because we love to see fear in the mirror

  Ebola. Totalitarianism. Pandemic. Mass migration. Climate change. Terrorism. Judging from hyperbole in social media, we are out-and-out terrified of these things. Even to the extent of people getting angry at climate activists for “spreading fear.” We’re afraid of fear, like Franklin Roosevelt said. And yet, at this time of year, we choose to scare ourselves […]