Independent Authors International

A Storm is coming to Hawaii

Announcing the new Hawaiian Storm Dead Man Lying The second novel-length Hawaiian Storm mystery is coming your way. She knows when you’re lying …FBI Special Agent Vanessa Storm is back on Maui to catch a killer. With lush rain forests, black sand beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle, Maui offers the perfect place for once-famous country […]

It's been a productive pandemic—I mean, summer

Without belittling the importance of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can say that I’ve had a productive few months. Since March, I have: finished the second Dark Age novel, The Children of the Seventh Son rewritten the second Hawaiian Storm full-length novel, Dead Man Lying outlined a completely new novel, a near-future dystopian thriller. What you […]

A well deserved review: A Silent Prayer

Independent review of the book By Samreen Ahsan A Silent Prayer is a book that deserves all the attention, including the many awards it has received. In just over a year since its publication, A Silent Prayer won first prizes at book fairs in Los Angeles, Hollywood and Paris, first prize in the Readers’ Favorite […]

A Hawaiian Storm on the horizon

Palm Trees and Snowflakes is now available for pre-order on Amazon. This second Hawaiian Storm mystery hits Amazon’s shores officially on November 30, but you can order it now at a special price of 99 cents. This Christmas-themed tropical mystery brings back your favourite Hawaiian Storm characters, like FBI Special Agent Vanessa Storm, still in […]

Run and Hide by Alan McDermott

An independent book review Alan McDermott knows how to push all the right buttons for the action-thriller reader. The author of the fantastically successful Tom Gray series has crossed the Atlantic for his new series focused on the new character of Eva Driscoll: brilliant, beautiful and highly effective special operative for the CIA who’s been […]