
Cover image for Under the Nazi Heel

It’s a tough time to get through, but we have gotten through tough times before. And a sense of humour never hurts. So in the spirit of the day, here’s an excerpt from Under the Nazi Heel, Book 2 of the Eastern Front Trilogy. In this, Maurice shows how his sense of humour was irrepressible. […]

Walking Out of War cover

  Today, June 22, is the anniversary of the launch of Operation Barbarossa in 1941, and of Operation Bagration in 1944.  The first was Hitler’s Germany’s invasion of the USSR, the largest land invasion in history. Three years later, Stalin’s Soviet Union answered that with Operation Bagration, a massive assault on the German Army Group […]

Torn Roots cover

On Saturday, September 29, the first book in the new Hawaiian Storm series will launch. Some readers might remember a book titled Torn Roots. A version was published three years ago by Amazon in a program that has since been cancelled. I’ve revised and expanded it, with some new characters. I’d like you to meet Sophia […]