
Win your summer's whole reading list for free

Enter the eBook & Paperback Sweepstakes! (2) Winners of eBook “Gift Baskets” of ALL ebooks Other Winners of individual ebooks or paperbacks (randomly selected) It’s beach reading season! Yes, it’s finally here, after the most difficult year in a long, long time. So whether you’re going to be reading on the sand, with your feet […]

Sample Sunday: Wildfire—Evacuation

On this beautiful Sunday morning, I’m sharing another taste of California Wine Country mystery. Here is part of the evacuation chapter from Wildfire. Tara stuffed her laptop into her duffel bag and grabbed a couple of other personal items. As she followed Greg and Alex to the winery, she hit her parents’ speed-dial on her […]

It's Wildfire Launch Day!

Wildfire, Wine Country Mystery number 1, is now live on Amazon and ready for pre-order on Smashwords. I’m very excited about this book. It’s a new direction for me: the first mystery I’ve written entirely set in my own fictional universe. Inspired by a trip my wife and I took to California wine country last […]

Meet Tara Rezeck

Wildfire, the first Wine Country Mystery, launches on Thursday, March 22. I’m very excited about it. So at this point, I thought I would introduce the protagonist, Tara Rezeck. Who is Tara? She’s a smart, passionate 27-year-old woman from Vermont who has just graduated cum laude from the prestigious Vermont Law School. Daughter of a […]